The Cobbs Auctioneers Location

The Monadnock Region - Peterborough, NH

the cobbs auctioneers location - peterborough, new hampshire

For our customers who will be staying in the area we offer luxury accommodations on site or we can direct you to one of the Monadnock Regions Inns/Bed and Breakfasts or hotels.

We are located in the Monadnock Region of Southern New Hampshire (1.5 hours from Boston) (4.5 hours from Manhattan). Click for a map and driving directions to our location in the Historic Noone Falls Mill at 50 Jaffrey Road, Peterborough NH 03458

Places to Stay in the Area

The Hancock Inn (NH's oldest inn and highly recommended) (10 min away) Hancock NH 603-525-3318

Jack Daniels Motor Inn (5 minutes away) Peterborough, NH ~ 603-924-7548

Little River Bed and Breakfast (5 minutes away) Peterborough, NH ~ 603-924-3280

Three Maples Bed and Breakfast (10 minutes away) Sharon, NH ~ 603-924-3503

The Benjamin Prescott Inn (10 minutes away) Jaffrey, NH 888-950-6637

The Greenfield Inn (10 min away) Greenfield NH 603-547-6327

Courtyard Marriott Hotel  (25 min away) Keene, NH

The Lane Hotel  (25 min away) Keene, NH

Best Western (25 min away) Keene, NH 603-357-3038 ~

Woodbound Inn (25 min away) Rindge, NH 1-800-688-7770 ~

Holiday Inn Express (25 min away) Keene, NH ~ 603-352-7616


"Denmark" Mid Century Desk and Armchair "Denmark" Mid Century Desk and Armchair

Important Fine Art and Antiques Auction, Apr. 30, 2022

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