Freya Stark, Twenty-Two Volumes, A & B) Baghdad Sketches (2 copies). C) Southern Gates of Arabia. D) Gateways and Caravans: A Portrait of Turkey. E & F) Journey's Echo (2 copies). G) Traveller's Prelude: An Autobiography. H) Dust in the Lion's Paw. I) Riding to the Tigris. J) The Coast of Incense. K) Alexander's Path. L & M) Perseus in the Wind (2 copies). N & O) East Is West (2 copies). P) Beyond Euphrates. Q) Rome on the Euphrates. R) A Peak in Darien. S) The Lycian Shore. T) Ionia: A Quest. U) The Minaret of Djam. V) Freya Stark by Caroline Moorehead (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1985).