Lot of Edge Weapons Books-
Weapons of American Revolution- Newman
Military Goods- Bamerman
Sword...Imperial Germany- Walter
Antique Weapons and Armour- Latham
British Military Swords- Latham
Edged Weapons- Wilkinson
Weapons American Revolution- Moore
Swords and Hilt Weapons- Coe
Primer Military Knives- Hughes and Jenkins
Primer World Bayonets P.1 - Walter and Hughes
Primer World Bayonets P.2- Walter and Hughes
Arms- Reid
Cut and Thrusts Weapons - Wagner
Arms and Weapons- Tarassuk and Blair
Arms and Armor- Stone
Military Edged Weapons of the World- Maurer
Ethnographical Specimens- Oldrman
Bayonets- Stephens
The American Sword- Peterson
Arms and Armor- Wilkinson
Warriors and Weapons- Macmillian
British Arms and Armour- Ashdown
Weapons and Equipment of Early American Soldiers No. 2
Basic Nazi Swords and Daggers- Stahl
House of Swords and Guns
Sword Collecting for Amateurs - Henderson
Dagger and Fighting Knives of Western World- Peterson
Naval Swords- Annis
MIlitary Swords of Japan- Fuller and Gregory
Swords and Daggers of Indonesia
Rapiers- Valentine
Scottish Swords and Dirks- Wallace