An exceptional and rare Asmat dance costume, Asmat; Weo village; Irian Jaya
An Asmat funerary costume of classical form, known as Jipaae, completely composed of woven netted fiber and rattan with wooden eyes on stalks and a wooden stick atop the head, with remains of white feathers. Costumes such as this were utilized in a final farewell to the dead, as the costumes would appear in the village, each named for a deceased villager, and would finally leave. H. 85" overall
Another mask from the same display was donated by Barlin to the Musee du quay Branly, Inv. 72.1995.6.3. This lot is accompanied by four field photographs taken by Todd Barlin of the mask and others being used in Weo village.
Comments: Property of a New England Private collector
Provenance: Field collected by Todd Barlin in Weo village (West Asmat) the 1980's.