A Fine Trobriand Island canoe prow, Laughlin Island; Trobriand Islands; Papua New Guinea
The fine and old classical prow with extensive intricate design work in curvilinear form, the wood worn and extremely old, the whole with openwork patterning and delicate detail. A superb old example, likely Very Early 20th C. Remains of modern paint added later. L. 28 1/2"
Comments: Property of a Midwestern private collector
Provenance: Ex. Herbert Baker Collection, CA
Ex. Paul Harris, AK
Ex. Private Midwestern Collection
Publication History: Published: 'Arts of Oceania, Shells of Oceanis' ; 1975, The Bowers Museum, Santa Ana, CA. Fig. 196.
Exhibition History: Exhibited: "Arts of Oceania, Shells of Oceania', The Bower's Museum, Santa Ana, CA.; June Through July 1975