Of exceptional size, the bold and finely cast pair displaying characteristic iconography. The chain, once attaching the two figures, now deficient.
Comments: Among the Yoruba, various religious organizations exist to placate the spirits and forces of nature in its myriad shapes and forms. One of the most powerful of these organizations is the secret society of Ogboni, composed of elders of Yoruba society who are considered “masters of the earth.” The primary identifying objects of the Ogboni Society are paired bronze staves known as “Edan.” Usually these objects are attached together with a piece of chain and cast over an iron rod, therefore unifying the magical forces associated with iron and brass. These would have hung around the initiates’ neck and down the chest as a visible symbol of rank at society meetings. The hand gestures of both figures are very important, in that they duplicate the greeting gesture of one Ogboni member to another.
Provenance: - Zollman Collection, IND
- Gelbard collection, NY
Publication History: Remnants of Ritual: Selections from the Gelbard collection of African Art (2003) Bourgeois & Rodolitz; Pg. 18, Fig. 41
African art in Motion, (1974) Thompson, RF; Pl. 94.
Exhibition History: Exhibition History: USA: "Remnants of Ritual, Selections from the Gelbard Collection of African Art":
- University Park, IL: Governors State University, February 2003
- Krannert, IL: Krannert Art Museum, 26 August-26 October, 2003
- Kansas City, MO: Belger Art Foundation/UNIVERSITY of Missouri-
Kansas City, 2004
- Park Forest, IL: Tall Grass Art Association, 2005