Auction Results Overview

For this sale, we combined 2 important New England collections with various other local consignors for approximately 300 lots, held in 2 sessions. The second session consisted of all the White Mountain paintings consigned to us that spring, 2 southern NH and a Vermont estates items plus numerous quality items from other New England consignors for a great sale.

A summary of the items offered in thesecond sessions is below

American Antique Furniture: Important Shaker 98 ½” long trestle table with shoe feet; 18th century New England 4 way splayed stretcher base tavern table with oval top in the old color; tall Conn River valley Queen Anne 2 drawer blanket chest with scalloped apron; Child’s grain painted Chippendale slant front desk & Nantucket shaped top candle stand; NY Hepplewhite Pembroke table with mahogany bellflower inlay; Sheraton mahogany Portsmouth, NH card table with lunette inlay, ME & NH 4 drawer chests, NY mahogany Pembroke table and cookie corner 2 drawer stand; “W Seaver” branded Windsor armchair; paint decorated blanket chest plus others in old paint, Boston Empire armchair and 2 drawer stand; pair of Gothic carved crest child’s armchairs; Southern Empire tall post bed; scallop sided 2 part step back pewter cupboard, bucket bench; early wagon seat and cast iron fern garden chair.

English and Continental Furniture: English Comb back Windsor armchair, small veneered front chest on chest, B/C carved Chippendale armchair and inlaid Sheraton sewing table; Swiss music box chair; French brass/iron rocking crib, fireside bench and painted and carved day bed.

American Fine Art: Benjamin Champney: oil on canvas of  Mt Chocorua, still life of roses and Conway view, Frank H Shapleigh oil on canvas possibly of Moat Mountain and another Continental scene; Harrison B Brown oil on canvas depicting picnicking along the river; Daniel Santry oil on canvas of Mt Lafayette; Thomas Hill oil on canvas of farm stead; William P Phelps oil on canvas of Mount Monadnock; miniature paintings on ivory; Ship paintings by Antonio Jacobsen, J W Lawlor & Frederick S Cozzens, 2 J Bien elephant folio lithographs after JJ Audubon; Max Fairchild (Paris) oil on canvas of a nude; others by Alvin Fisher attributed; pair Edwin Steele paintings; Louis Doyle Norton; Frank W Benson etching; 2 NY state attributed portraits; Henry H Ahl; 10 Frederick R Sisson paintings; Henry Dousa; B F Kellog.

English and Other fine art: Pair of oil on canvas hunt scenes by Samuel H G Alken; 4 Russian Icons from the collection we sold in 2011; Antoine Blachard oil on canvas of a Paris scene; pair Vladislav Chimielinski oil on canvas winter city scenes; school of Francis Cotes pastel portrait of a woman; others by JV Laxfield; 4 Punjabi miniatures; R Dey De Ribcoski; French & English oil on canvas portraits and more.

Accessories: 18k gold pocket watch and vine /leaf form tiara with lapis berries; standing trade figure-carved wooden Native American with a deer, has remains of old paint; Sailors Wooly of ship plus others; Nantucket basket, pair of scrim whales teeth and gimbaled compass; large turned and painted bowls; 2 Wilder, Peterboro Barometers; 140 engravings in 4 volumes- Tragedies of Aeschylus; double fore-edge painted 1826 book; signed Abraham Lincoln 1862 army promotion document; Izink fritware & other middle eastern pottery and boxes; rocking horse; collection of 24 Staffordshire figures; 18th century cast iron fire back, other fireplace items and lighting; 2 checkerboards; good painted spice 3 drawer, document and dome top boxes; pair 19” tall Paris porcelain decorated urns; enamel on tin Insurance advertising sign and other good smalls. Textiles: Important needlework picture school of Folwell, Philadelphia; large Trapunto coverlet with floral designs  Clocks: Terry wall clock; carriage; wooden works paint decorated tall clock; mantles and more  Sterling Silver: small Continental figural tray; flatware service for 12; center piece and more.

African & Oceanic Art: Primarily collected in 1965-66 by A. Navez of the State Dept: important group of 10 carved ivory Lega figures in old color; Akuaba Ashanti fertility figure; numerous masks-painted wood, bone and elephant hide or amber; Dogon ancestor figure; Kota Mahongwe Reliquary figure; 5’ tall female ancestral figure; Boule male figure; Senufo carved female form double bellows; Nigerian carved figural whisk; Soloman Islands figural staff; Fang Reliquary figure; Figi carved Ula throwing club; decorated ivory bracelet and pair of ivory epaulettes; Numerous other items.

Oriental Rugs: room size: extra large blue Kashan; early Heriz with medallion; Jozan Serab corridor size with medallion; Lillihan; scatter size: rare old Kazak; small fine silk Tabriz; Sarouk; Hamadan and more.

Native American: large Ash burl bowl with shaped ends; Penobscot decorated war club; bead decorated pipe bag; 2 Navajo rugs; North West coast ceremonial carved bowl; Connecticut paint decorated basket and decorated bent wood oval box.

18K Adler "1990 Serail" Five Band Ring 18K Adler "1990 Serail" Five Band Ring

Important Fine Art and Antiques Auction, Apr. 30, 2022

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